Book Covers Made Easy
Good design is about being superbly common. Every year, folks look to other people magazines to agree and dress the same. Some dude in some office somewhere decided red was happening.
With book covers, we’re designing new covers to look like successful covers, because being different doesn’t attract attention. We crave common. With that being said, let’s make nothing new.
Finding an image
If our goal is to be common, you’d never need to create original assets. There’s enough stock photos and illustrations on the interwebs to satisfy this task.
Here is a list of sites I use for free assets.
1000+ Amazing Virus Videos · Pexels · Free Stock Videos
Dareful – Free 4K Stock Video | Stock Footage for Free
Free Stock Video Footage & Video Clips – Pixabay
CLIPSTILL – Mesmerizing FREE cinemagraphs for your marketing & website
Free Stock Footage Videos, 4k After Effects Templates and More!
Free Stock Video Footage HD 4K Download Royalty-Free Clips
You really just need a background image and a person image in front. The background sets the scene (burning city, peaceful lake), and you’d want the person to have the body language that conveys the mood.
I searched Shutterstock for “woman angels”. This is a mockup, so I don’t care that it’s watermarked.
Download the placeholder.
I use Sketch…
…but normal people don’t have Sketch, so I’m going to demo it in Keynote, which is the same as PowerPoint. First, create a document that’s 2:3 ratio and throw in your image.
Getting the right font
I use Dafont for free fonts.
1) Select the style.
2) Type in your preview text.
3) Download.
Style and color the text, put a Shadow for contrast.
Export as images.
Bonus Material
Use “Animate” to create an animated ad for your book.
Here’s the animation:
Let’s wrap this up
This is a horrible cover design intended for demo purposes only. Mocking stuff up allows me to think about what potential readers will experience when faced with a grid of thumbnails. My big takeaway in this exercise is that my name is short and it shows up big on this format.
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I’m a writer living in Los Angeles, making emojis of faces I find on Instagram. When I get a moment, I paint portraits on canvases I build from reclaimed wood.