Todd Illustration

Todd was home, so I took a screenshot and started sketching.

Todd Makes a Face

This is Todd.

I think I had mentioned, I am a horrible illustrator. For some people it comes naturally, but I am not one of those people. I got my own little system going, so I’m not terrible. I took a screen grab of Todd during a Skype conversation and started to sketch.


It was sorta sloppy, but this is where a computer comes in. Traced all the major lines in illustrator. Fixed the proportions of his jaw and moved his eyes.

Todd Sketch

Final Illustration

Recolored it in flesh tones and put a gradient in his eyes. He complained about the harsh highlights, so I made the shading more subtle. Made his nose shorter and his face wider. In the end, I think he kinda liked it.

Todd Final Illustration

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